Of course you can't deny that there is danger present. But it's like that in a lot of places in Cali where there's a lot of people and maybe some desperate people. Even in lily white Huntington Beach, if you go down to the pier, especially when it's a holiday like the 4th of July or when there's a surfing contest, you could run into trouble without looking for it. You could get hit by a car, hit by a flying bottle, hit by a bicyclist, hit by a whacko on crack. In other words, shit can happen anywhere. You just need to be aware of where you are and be a little more cautious in certain situations. When you see people standing in line in the Alley, don't ask them if they're waiting for the next iphone. They're in line to buy cristal. You also need to know where it's insanely dangerous to go, so you don't go there.
Tijuana Cops busting up a Fruta stand
Jason Vargas & Clifton Collins Jr.
Remember, you're not at a Chamber of Commerce mixer. Not everyone will be polite at all times, although you might be surprised at how friendly everybody is, even in the "Den of Iniquity". The book shows you which areas to avoid and how to maneuver around in the Zona without attracting attention to yourself or pissing people off.
And watch out for those two guys above. They might look like a couple of clowns, but they know how to break up a fruta stand.