Sunday, September 29, 2013

Is it Dangerous?

I've had more close calls just driving down the 805 freeway to get there, than I've had in the Zona itself.

Of course you can't deny that there is danger present. But it's like that in a lot of places in Cali where there's a lot of people and maybe some desperate people. Even in lily white Huntington Beach, if you go down to the pier, especially when it's a holiday like the 4th of July or when there's a surfing contest, you could run into trouble without looking for it. You could get hit by a car, hit by a flying bottle, hit by a bicyclist, hit by a whacko on crack. In other words, shit can happen anywhere. You just need to be aware of where you are and be a little more cautious in certain situations. When you see people standing in line in the Alley, don't ask them if they're waiting for the next iphone. They're in line to buy cristal. You also need to know where it's insanely dangerous to go, so you don't go there.

 Tijuana Cops busting up a Fruta stand
Jason Vargas & Clifton Collins Jr.

Remember, you're not at a Chamber of Commerce mixer. Not everyone will be polite at all times, although you might be surprised at how friendly everybody is, even in the "Den of Iniquity". The book shows you which areas to avoid and how to maneuver around in the Zona without attracting attention to yourself or pissing people off.

And watch out for those two guys above. They might look like a couple of clowns, but they know how to break up a fruta stand.

Expo Tequila

This thing is fantastic! They close down a block on Revolucion, starting at 7th St. It's like a giant tent, covering an entire block. Inside are dozens of Tequila makers. They bring their best tequilas from Jalisco. You can sample as many as you want (for free!). There's food and entertainment along with, of course, Tequila! Aye, aye, aye! The cost is 75P (around $5.75). It's a great cultural event, even if you don't drink. It runs from Oct 9, 2013 to Oct 13. Go to this thing and you'll be talking about it for years.

Spokesmodel for Tequila Misionero, Oct 9, 2013

How the Book Stays Fresh

The Zona changes so rapidly that even the best researched book will be out of date to some extent within a few months. Most of the basics will remain the same, but just about everything else will change, including the chicas, bars, hotels, everything.

To see more topics, just click on the TJStreetGirls heading at the top.

That's the reason for the Blog. It's a separate private blog for Book Owners. It's free, and only for book owners.

I make trips to the Zona just about every week. After every trip I post my experiences to the Private Blog. I write about the chicas I did and how they performed. I also write about other chicas I talked to, or saw, and all the interesting things that were going on that week. You'll find posts about crossing the border, what I saw in Hong Kong Bar, Adelita's, taco places, fiestas, farmacias, ED meds, anything that I think you would be interested in.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

An Excerpt From the Book: "Chapter 4; Negotiating"

An Excerpt from "Street Girls of Tijuana"

How to Negotiate with Street Girls.

There are many books on the subject of negotiating. Maybe you’ve even read some of them. Many of the theories that work in other situations just don’t work with street girls. You need to try several methods and determine for yourself what you’re most comfortable with and what works best for you.

Many guys think that “negotiating” is something like what you do when you buy a car. It really annoys them, and most guys don’t like the process, so they just don‘t do it. That’s why there are websites that will give you the lowest possible price on a car without having to negotiate. And that’s why those guys just accept whatever price the chica gives him. But, Street Girl negotiating doesn’t have to be like that. It’s all about knowing what a good value is for you, and ... just asking for it. It's a process for you to arrive at a price that both of you think is fair. You're not trying to get the lowest price possible; just a fair price.

Some chicas will mentally size you up and quote you an inflated sticker price. Some just quote the same price to everybody. Some will quote a ridiculous price because they just don't want to have sex with you. You might be too big, too fat, too smelly, too drunk, or just too annoying. Luckily for some guys there are plenty of chicas who will do you regardless.

Some guys are just too afraid, or timid to negotiate. If you can’t overcome that, well, that’s OK. But just realize that you’ll probably be paying a little more each time. Over a year’s time it can add up to a nice chunk of change.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Street Girl Tour

I'm not offering the Zona Tour right now. I hope you get the book, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. The email address is in the book.  "Street Girls of Tijuana" is now available from the Author on Ebay! It's only $9.50 with Free Shipping! Just click here.

The book gives you access to my private blog. Some of the more recent blog entries (within the last month) are about:

All these chicas will show you a good time for 200P, less than $13 at the current exchange rate! 
Mamut (New Micro Brewery)
Tacos de Camaron (shrimp)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

You have Questions

Maybe you have some questions before you plunk down your $9 for the book.

"What makes you such an expert?"
I've been going to the Zona for well over 15 years. I've done some of the hottest chicas I've ever done in my life. And I don't spend a fortune doing it.

"I'm afraid to talk to chicas about sex, right out there in the open."
Don't worry, my bashful friend. The book shows you how to easily get over that.

"Will I get hassled by the cops?"
If you stay in the Zona, the cops will not bother you for hooking up with the chicas. The book shows you how to avoid other problems with the policia. Example: Mexico is not like the U.S. in many ways. You can be taken in, just for not having an ID on you. It's not like that in the U.S. You can be arrested for having a small amount of da' chron on you. In Cali, it's a small fine, unless you have a doctor's recommendation letter (commonly called a marijuana card). The book shows you how to stay out of trouble and how to minimize your encounters will the local gendarmes.

"Will I find a chica I like? I don't want one like the room cleaners at Motel 6."
There are plenty of chicas that look like they could be room cleaners. But just keep walking. Within a few yards you will find one that, in the words of Mick Jagger, could "make a dead man come." But just spotting the chica isn't enough. You need to know how to close the deal and not get ripped off. The book shows you all about that.

"I have this fantasy to do a chica who's wearing a cheerleader uniform. Can I hook that up?"
Dude! You are KINKY! I've even done that myself. You can find cheerleader uniforms on Ebay. It's a lot less to just get a skirt. 

"How much money are we really talking about to get laid by a chica hotter than I can get at my local dive bar."
It should only cost you 200 pesos (about $15.56 at today's rate), plus the room (30 - 70P). I do my chicas for that.

"What can I expect for 200 pesos?"
The book goes into detail about what the cost should be for various services. You need to know what a fair price is so you can cut a fair deal with the chica. With my chicas I get sucki and two positions.

"How do you do it? I can barely ask a chick if I can buy her a drink in my local bar."
It's easy to do, even for the shyest of guys. The book shows you how.

"I have no game at all. Can I still get laid?"
If you have the money, you can get laid.    

You've seen the Video, but you're not sure ...

My buddy shot that video several years ago, maybe it was 2000. I don't think there's more than a couple of chicas still working that were in it.

Believe it or not, there are several chicas any time of day or night, way hotter than the hottest chica in that video. They can be hired for as little as 150 pesos (about $9.67 at the rate in effect on 1/5/15), although most start out at 200P (or $12.90). Unbelievable!

I used to do this blond chica for 150P.

I didn't believe it myself for several years after a buddy first told me about it. I thought they were all skanks, dirty, disgusting, and dangerous. The truth, as I eventually found out is that many of them are some of the nicest young chicas you will ever meet. And they'll have sex with YOU!

It doesn't matter if you're fat, ugly, socially inept, shy, afraid of girls, or even a virgin. You can get laid by the hottest chica you will ever get the chance to slip the dick into, unless you're a handsome high roller who gets all the chicks anyway. But if you aren't that lucky to have the looks and money, then this place is for you. In all my years, even when I was younger, better looking, and lighter; I never was able to have sex with chicas as hot as I'm getting now. And young! I'm talking 18 and 19 year old hotties.

Now they're not all hotties. I'm not going to give you that shit. Most of them you wouldn't be interested in. But, there are plenty who will make you pop a pup tent in your pants. You only need 1! And if you go into a couple of the bars, like Hong Kong and Adelita Bar, where it can get downright hedonistic, you will almost come in your pants!

But you're probably thinking: "I never get laid at any of the local bars around my hood. Those chicas are going to want hundreds of bucks to have sex with me." NO, NO, NO! You couldn't be more wrong!

The book tells you all about how to have a great time (get laid) safely and with minimal cash out of pocket. It shows you how to get the best deals and avoid scams, disappointments, rip offs, crime, and hassles. For only $9 you can avoid all those negative things that have cost some guys $100's of dollars.

The Zona Norte can be an expensive and dangerous place if you don't know what you're doing or where you are. Read the book, or take the tour, and you will soon feel like a seasoned vet.

What is this place: Zona Norte?

The Molino Rojo sign. The bar was a big deal back in the days of 
Seabiscuit and Prohibition, but now it's just a sign and a parking lot. 

The Zona Norte (North Zone) is the northernmost area of Tijuana that butts up against the U.S. border and California.

Inside this area is what's know as the Zona de Tolerencia. Within this area anybody 18 or older is free to solicit chicas that are standing on the sidewalk, up against buildings, commonly known as "street girls". Some people call it the DisneyLand for adults.

The chicas ("paraditas" in Spanish) are available 24 hours a day. There are more working between around 6 pm and midnight, but if you're a daytimer there are still plenty of hotties available. The book describes in detail the different services and prices. You need to know this because you need to know what a fair price is so you can get a good deal for what you want.

Within this area are many short time "hotels" that will rent you time to do all the kinky things you can think of and get the chica to agree to. The rooms range from merely a bed and 4 walls, to a nice room with a TV (porno), table, fan, shower, and bathroom. Prices range from 30P to 70P for 15 minutes to half an hour.

The book goes into much more detail about which "hotels" should be avoided, and why. It shows you the locations, prices, and details.

YouTube Video

Some of you might have missed my street girl video. This was shot by a friend who gave me permission to re-post it after he took it down. If you see it on another site it's a ripoff.

To watch it on YouTube:

This is the video that launched a multitude of Zona Street Girl Secret Videos. My guy was the pioneer; the Orson Wells of the Zona Norte.

For more info on Street Girls, and the preeminent book on the subject: "Street Girls of Tijuana; Everything You Need to Know", follow this blog. The book is available on for only $9! What a deal!